Metalaxyl-M is effective against downy mildew of various crops caused by downy mildew, phytophthora and rot fungus, phytophthora of melons, fruits and vegetables, and millet white.

  • Profenofos 94%TC,50%EC,40%EC,500G/LEC
  • Profenofos 94%TC,50%EC,40%EC,500G/LEC

Metalaxyl-M 92%TC,35%ES,24%EC,48%EC

Metalaxyl-M has high efficiency against downy mildew, Phytophthora, Pythium and other crop diseases caused by vegetables, fruit trees, tobacco, oilseeds, cotton, and grain.



CAS: 70630-17-0

Chemical formula: C15H21NO4

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Product Details

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Technical grade: 98%

Formulation: 35%DS, 25%WP


Metalaxyl-m is effective against downy mildew of various crops caused by downy mildew, phytophthora and rot fungus, phytophthora of melons, fruits and vegetables, and millet white. It is a systemic fungicide with protective and therapeutic effects, which can be absorbed by roots, stems and leaves of plants, and transferred to various organs of plants with the movement of water in plants. It can be used for stem and leaf treatment, seed treatment and soil treatment. It is effective against diseases caused by downy mildew, Phytophthora and Pythium. This product is the raw material for the processing of pesticide preparations and should not be used for crops or other places.


1. Pay attention to personal protection: when in contact with this product, you should wear protective clothing, gloves, and a gas mask to avoid inhalation of the drug. Do not eat or drink during work. Wash face, hands and exposed parts with soap and water after work.

2. The workplace should be fire-proof, dust-proof and leak-proof.

3. Leakage treatment: isolate the leaked contaminated area and restrict access. Emergency personnel should wear dust masks and protective clothing. Do not come into direct contact with spilled material. Cover the spill with an absorbent material twice the amount of the leaked pesticide, put it in a disposable disposable container, collect, recycle, and transport it to a special waste disposal site for disposal. Fire: Use foam, dry chemical or sand to extinguish fire.

4. The packaging should be disposed of properly, and should not be discarded at will, let alone used for other purposes.

5. Do not pollute water sources.


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