Oxamyl price Oxamyl insecticide price Oxamyl insecticide uses professional instruction by QINGDAO HUARUI STAR TRADING CO.,LTD

  • _20230711134515
  • _20230711134515

Oxamyl 95%TC

Oxamyl is a carbamate pesticide currently approved for use in the EU. It is highly soluble in water, has a low volatility and may have the capacity to leach to groundwater. It is not expected to be persistent in soil or water systems. It is highly toxic to mammals, is a cholinesterase inhibitor and a neurotoxicant. Oxamyl is not expectd to accumulate in soils. It demonstrates a moderate to high level of toxicity to most biodiversity.

CAS: 23135-22-0

Chemical formula: C7H13N3O3S

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Product Details

Qingdao Huaruistar.jpg_1140x855Description: 

A soil-applied nematicide and insecticide used to control chewing and sucking insects on field and other crops

Target pests: Aphids; Spider mites; Ticks; Roundworms; Nematodes including Globodera and Heterodera sp., Trichodorus and Paratrichodorus sp., Radopholus similis, Ditylenchus sp.

Target crops: Field crops; Vegetables including carrots, cucubits and celery; Tobacco; Potatoes; Fruit including apples, bananas, citrus, tomatoes; Cotton; Ornamentals;


Mode of action

The mechanism of its toxicity is to inhibit the activity of Ache and carboxylesterase in insects, resulting in the accumulation of Ach and acetylcholine, which affects the normal nerve conduction of insects and leads to death. It is characterized by fat solubility, good absorption, strong permeability, rapid action, low residue, long residual effect, safe use, etc. It is effective for adults and larvae, and harmless to crops. It can control citrus and other fruits and vegetables, corn, cotton, rice, sugarcane and other cash crop pests, and the control effect of aphids is particularly excellent.



1.Fire control measures

Fire fighters should wear gas masks and fight the fire upwind from a safe distance. Extinguishing agent: mist water, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.

Emergency treatment

Isolate the contaminated area of leakage and restrict access. Cut off the fire. Emergency personnel are advised to wear self-contained positive pressure breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Use a clean shovel to collect in a dry, clean, covered container and transfer to a safe place. In case of large leakage, collect and recycle or transport to waste disposal site for disposal.


Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. It should be stored separately from oxidant, alkali and edible chemicals, and should not be mixed. Equipped with the corresponding variety and quantity of fire equipment. The storage area should be equipped with suitable materials to contain leaks. The "five pairs" management system for extremely toxic substances should be strictly implemented.


The railway transportation shall be carried out in strict accordance with the loading list of dangerous goods in the Regulations for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods of the Ministry of Railways. Before transportation, check whether the packaging container is complete and sealed, and ensure that the container does not leak, collapse, fall, or damage during transportation. It is strictly prohibited to mix with acids, oxidants, food and food additives. During transportation, it should be protected from sun exposure, rain and high temperature.

4.Operational disposal

Closed operation, local exhaust air. Operators must be specially trained and strictly abide by operating procedures. It is recommended that operators wear a dust mask (full cover), a rubber cloth anti-poison jacket, and rubber gloves. Keep away from fire, heat source, no smoking in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Avoid producing dust. Avoid contact with oxidants and alkalis. When handling, light loading and unloading should be done to prevent damage to packaging and containers. Equipped with the corresponding variety and quantity of fire equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment. An empty container may contain harmful residue.


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