thiophanate methyl systemic thiophanate methyl for sale Qingdao Huarui Star Trading Co., Ltd

  • Thiophanate methyl 70%WP (2)
  • Thiophanate methyl 70%WP2
  • Thiophanate methyl 70%WP (2)
  • Thiophanate methyl 70%WP2

Thiophanate methyl 70%WP

Thiophanate-methyl is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide that is absorbed by the roots and leavesof the treated plants. It has both protective and curativeaction. It is classified as group I fungicide.

CAS: 23564-05-8

Chemical formula: C12H14N4O4S2

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Product Details


Product Features

Thiophanate-methyl is a broad spectrum fungicide, with a top conduction function, a variety of diseases have preventive and therapeutic effects. It has inhibitory effect on leaf mites and pathogenic nematodes.

Scope of application: It has good control effect on various diseases of cereals, vegetables and fruit trees.


Technical Requirements For Use

 A fungicide used at 30-50 g/ha, and effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens, including: eyespot and other diseases of cereals; scab on apples and pears; Monilia disease and bitter rot on apples; Monilia spp. on stone fruit; canker on fruit trees; powdery mildews on pome fruit, stone fruit, vegetables, cucurbits, strawberries, vines, roses, etc.; Botrytis and Sclerotinia spp. on various crops; leaf spot diseases on beet, oilseed rape, celery, celeriac, etc.; club root on brassicas; dollar spot, Corticium, and Fusarium spp. on turf; grey mould in vines; blast in rice; Sigatoka disease in bananas; and many diseases in floriculture. Also used on almonds, pecans, tea, coffee, peanuts, soya beans, tobacco, chestnuts, sugar cane, citrus fruit, figs, hops, mulberries, and many other crops. Used additionally as a wound protectant for pruning cuts on trees. 

Why us?

We have two major production bases, is a reasearch and development, production, sales as one enterprises. The main products includes insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and plant growth regulatiors.

We support registion documents, including GLP report five batch reports, six toxicology experiment report, and other documents like ICAMA etc.


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